Raja Narendralal Khan Women's College (Autonomous)

Gope Palace. Midnapore, Pin:721102

Phone: 9064820067 E-Mail: rnlkcollege@gmail.com Website: www.rnlkwc.ac.in

Admission Criteria

No.Stream/ProgrammeMajor SubjectCriteria
1 4YRS BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ARTSBENGALI (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Bengali or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
2 4YRS BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ARTSEDUCATION (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Education or (Enlish/Bengali/Hindi whichever is Highest) or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
3 4YRS BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ARTSENGLISH (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
4 4YRS BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ARTSHINDI (H)Minimum 45% in aggregate and 40% marks in Hindi or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
5 4YRS BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ARTSHISTORY (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in the History or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
6 4YRS BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ARTSMUSIC (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in the Music or (Enlish/Bengali/Hindi whichever is Highest) or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
7 4YRS BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ARTSPHILOSOPHY (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate or 50% marks in the Philosophy or (Enlish/Bengali/Hindi whichever is Highest) or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
8 4YRS BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ARTSPOLITICAL SCIENCE (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Political Science or (English/Bengali/Hindi whichever is Highest) or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
9 4YRS BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ARTSSANSKRIT (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Sanskrit or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
10 BSMLT Any applicant passed H.S. (10+2) level in (2020,2021,2022,2023 and 2024) and having 35% marks in aggregate with Biological Science (or  Biology), Physics  and Chemistry is eligible. The applicant must have passed in Biological Science (or  Biology), Physics  and Chemistry separately.
11 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESBACHELOR IN COMPUTER APPLICATION (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% in Mathematics, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
12 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESBACHELOR IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Mathematics or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
13 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESBIOTECHNOLOGYMinimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Biological Science (or Biology) or vice versa and passed in Chemistry in (10+2), is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
14 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESBOTANY (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Biological Science (or Biology) or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
15 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESCHEMISTRY (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Chemistry along with passed in Mathematics or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus). Passed in Mathematics.
16 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESCOMPUTER SCIENCE (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in (Mathematics/Computer Sc. with Statistics/Computer Sc. with Mathematics/Statistics) or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
17 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESECONOMICS (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in the Economics in H.S. or having 50% marks in Mathematics in Madhyamik / equivalent, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
18 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESGEOGRAPHY (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Geography or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
19 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESMATHEMATICS (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Mathematics or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
20 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESMICROBIOLOGY (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Biological Science (or Biology) and Chemistry or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus). Passed in CHemistry
21 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESNUTRITION (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Chemistry Passed (10+2) level with Biological Science (or Biology) or Nutrition, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
22 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESPHYSICS (H)Minimum 60% marks in aggregate and must secure 50% in PHYSICS AND PASSED IN MATHEMATICS OR VICE VERSA , is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus). Passed in Mathematics.
23 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESPHYSIOLOGY (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in the Biological Science (or Biology) or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).
24 4YRS BSC (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN SCIENCESZOOLOGY (H)Minimum 45% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in Biological Science (or Biology) or vice versa, is eligible to apply for Honours Courses according to the rule of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Womens College(Autonomus).

Date/Time: 29/03/2025 12:20:03